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King's College Medicine Interview Questions (2025 Entry)

About King's College Medical School (2025 Edition)

King's College London has a fast-paced, three stage course covering most of the medical content in the first two years, focusing more on the hands-on clinical aspect afterwards. Historically, there has been a strong focus on the use of full body dissection for anatomy teaching. The course requires more self-study than some other universities, as the resources are generally distributed but not really revisited or spoon-fed to students.

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King's has three (or four, including Denmark Hill) campuses located in Waterloo, Borough, and Strand. Because the different courses are spread across these campuses, there is not as much contact between students studying very different degrees. However, King's offers a variety of accommodation near the different campuses and these often feature a mix of students, making it easy to meet different people while still being close to your respective campus. There are loads of societies who organise activities, and the nightlife is quite vibrant.There are a number of tube stations near each of the campuses. All of the campuses are located in the bustling centres of London, making it very easy to hop out and grab a bite or just experience a bit of life.

The student population at King's College London is generally quite social. Each week includes new introductions to students from various courses, whether you meet through accommodation, societies, or even just walking around London. There are a number of King's-specific accommodation that only house fellow students, making it easy to meet other people. There are many societies that host regular activities, making it very easy to find others with similar interests or backgrounds. Medics are situated on Guy's campus, which provides for Dentistry, Medicine, Biomedicine, and Psychology so generaly, you won't really see humanities students in school. However, it is still very easy to meet students on other courses through the other activities hosted by the school.

There are so many different medical societies in King's – the list is practically endless. They host a variety of fantastic events, including revision sessions, MCQs, guests talks, social gatherings and more. Most of the societies will have both Facebook and Instagram pages, and a full list of the KCL societies can be found on the KCLSU website. King's offers a range of support, from internal KCL staff to KCLSU members, making it quite easy to gain access to a very broad range of resources.

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