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King's College Medicine Interview Questions (2023 entry)

About King's College Medical School (2023 Edition)

King's College London has a fast-paced, three stage course covering most of the medical content in the first two years, focusing more on the hands-on clinical aspect afterwards.

Historically, there has been a strong focus on the use of full body dissection for anatomy teaching.

The course requires more self-study than some other universities, as the resources are generally distributed but not really revisited or spoon-fed to students.

King's College London Interview Information

😊 How does Imperial College select candidates for interviews?

King's use a range of factors to select candidates. They consider A Levels, UCAT, GCSE grades and personal statements.

Predicted Grades: Predicted grades must meet a minimum of A*AA

GCSEs: Around 40% of your pre-interview score will be dependent on your GCSE results

UCAT: This has the largest weighting, the average UCAT score for a successful candidate is 2920.

🧬 What is the interview format?

For the 2022/23 application cycle, King's conducts MMI interviews which will be done online. There will be four short interviews and 2 questions will be asked in each interview. There will be around 2-3 interviewers per candidate. The overall interview will take around 30 minutes.

📆 When will you get interview invitations?

Invites for interviews will start November and can go all the way up to February. Offers are sent out on a rolling basis.

👩‍💼 When are the interviews usually held?

Interviews are held from early December to May. Candidates are usually given up to one week's notice.

📝 What are the main topics I will be asked at the interview?

You will be tested on a range of attributes that will make you a good medical student and doctor.

  • Communication

  • Personality

  • Medical Ethics

  • Data Interpretation

  • Hot Topics

  • Roleplay

☑️ How will my interview be marked?

King's scoring system has changes after COVID, not much information has been released on the system. In previous years, candidates were scored on a scale of 1-10 and each station was independent of each other.

🏠How many applicants are there per interview (Home)?

There are 2.3 applicants per interview

🌎 How many applicants are there per interview (International)?

There are 5.9 applicants per interview

How likely is it that I will be given an offer after an interview?

71% of candidates interviewed received an offer

  • King's generally repeats stations; you can find outlines of them online. Obviously, don't rely on this, but it is very helpful.

  • For some, this could be a fully-fleshed answer with all the points you want to make.

  • For others, it could be the structure of how to lay out your answer with the unknown variables that will be presented on the day.

  • Always practise speaking with others if you can, even with yourself using a mirror or a recording.

  • King's has some unique stations in terms of the picture description and graph questions; know how to answer these questions beforehand.

Check out our Medicine Interview Course!

Example Interview Questions

🔥 Motivation Interview Questions

  • Why Medicine?

  • Why did you apply to King’s college?

  • Why study medicine and not another course?

  • How has King’s College London contributed to modern medicine?

  • What can you contribute to the atmosphere at King’s College London?

⚖️Medical Ethics Interview Questions

  • "What should you do if a patient tries to friend you on social media?

  • What would you do in this situation?

  • How do the ethical principles apply in this situation?

🤯Values and Skills Interview Questions

  • What is resilience? When have you shown it?

  • Talk about your extracurricular activities.

  • What extracurricular activities have you done in the past years and what have you learned from them?

🏥 Work Experience Interview Questions

  • What work experience have you done? What did you learn from it?

  • Can you tell me about some voluntary work that you have done.

🏛️ Problem Solving Interview Questions

  • Describe this picture to me as objectively as possible, as if I can't see it.

  • Describe this graph (blood glucose level). What do you think this is showing? How would this present physiologically?

📰 NHS Interview Questions

  • What is the structure and function of the NHS?

  • What are the bodies within the NHS?

  • What interesting medical articles have you read recently?

📰 Current Affairs Interview Questions

  • What is your opinion of the ... case?

  • What were the main issues raised in this case?

King's College London has teaching relationships with some of the biggest hospitals in London, providing a very direct hands-on experience in terms of clinical teaching. King's also focused on their full body dissections, although this has not been happening during the pandemic. Students have early regular clinical contact from Year 2, cycling around various wards in Guy's and St. Thomas Trust, King's College Hospital, and other hospitals around London. The location of King's College London is arguably one of the best, situated centrally in Zone 1.

King's has three (or four, including Denmark Hill) campuses located in Waterloo, Borough, and Strand. Because the different courses are spread across these campuses, there is not as much contact between students studying very different degrees. However, King's offers a variety of accommodation near the different campuses and these often feature a mix of students, making it easy to meet different people while still being close to your respective campus. There are loads of societies who organise activities, and the nightlife is quite vibrant.There are a number of tube stations near each of the campuses. All of the campuses are located in the bustling centres of London, making it very easy to hop out and grab a bite or just experience a bit of life.

The student population at King's College London is generally quite social. Each week includes new introductions to students from various courses, whether you meet through accommodation, societies, or even just walking around London. There are a number of King's-specific accommodation that only house fellow students, making it easy to meet other people. There are many societies that host regular activities, making it very easy to find others with similar interests or backgrounds. Medics are situated on Guy's campus, which provides for Dentistry, Medicine, Biomedicine, and Psychology so generaly, you won't really see humanities students in school. However, it is still very easy to meet students on other courses through the other activities hosted by the school.

There are so many different medical societies in King's – the list is practically endless. They host a variety of fantastic events, including revision sessions, MCQs, guests talks, social gatherings and more. Most of the societies will have both Facebook and Instagram pages, and a full list of the KCL societies can be found on the KCLSU website. King's offers a range of support, from internal KCL staff to KCLSU members, making it quite easy to gain access to a very broad range of resources.

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