About Bristol Medical School (2025 Edition)

Bristol university boasts a fantastic faculty, which streamlines a holistic approach to medicine. Early patient contact as well as lectures and tutorials on psychological states, creates a well-rounded view of the health of a patient. Home visits from term one allows students to observe patients in the community, rather than just transient people in a hospital. Feedback on each week's teaching is encouraged, allowing the students to actively take part in their learning.

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Bristol is a lively city, with a beautiful main campus, as well as uni buildings dotted around the city. Bristol is a city full of art, fashion, music and culture, and is home to many infamous Banksy pieces. There is a wide range of accommodations available, allowing every student to feel comfortable in their living situation, varying from larger sociable halls in Stoke Bishop, and smaller self-catered flats in the city centre. The university has incredible facilities, allowing for full immersion in the uni life and sports. Ranging from trampolining, to water polo, to dance, rugby, and so much more, there is something for everyone. The MedSoc has a wide variety of sub societies, allowing students to delve deeper into their medical interests.

At Bristol university accommodation, there is a mix of students in each block/flat, allowing students to get to know people from other faculties in the common room. The range of societies at Bristol uni is amazing, varying from sports, to academic-based societies, to music, dance, theatre, and so much more. There are endless opportunities for students to really get involved in the student life, and thrive within the university. there are a variety of sports clubs that compete in intramural games and even travel away for tournaments. The medical society at Bristol, also the largest student-elected society at the University, offers a wide array of social opportunities.

The MedSoc at Bristol uni is absolutely fantastic. There are MedSoc formals 2-3 times a year, where everyone gets dressed up, eats good food, and socialises between years. This is a brilliant way to get to know one's peers in a relaxed, non-academic environment. The MedSoc also has a vast number of sub-societies, such as Plastic Surgery soc, Homeless and Inclusion Health Society, and so much more. It also has a wide variety of roles, ensuring everyone feels looked after, included and comfortable.
Instagram is @bristolmedsociety for more information